Monday, August 11, 2008

Flice Water

This morning while I was trying to dry my hair after my quick shower Trey and I noticed a fly buzzing around the bathroom. He told me he wanted to get it so I sent him out to get the fly swatter from my mom. He came back a few minutes later, but without the fly swatter. I asked him where it was. He told me he couldn't get it from Grandma. Mom mom following into the bathroom told me he wanted water in a cup, or in other words "flice water". He couldn't understand what a fly swatter was, but he had in his mind exactly what flice water was. He wanted a cup of water thinking the the fly would buzz around the cup and land in the water and he would be able to catch it that way.

1 comment:

dustin and amy said...

That is the funniest thing I've heard in a while, what a sweetie, did you just laugh for hours?