Monday, June 30, 2008

I'm Back!!

Apart from me just not keeping up with this blogging I have had a crazy few months and have just not had time to sit down and even think about it. So, he is a short recap of what has gone on since my last post. In mid may we moved to a new house. YEA!! 4 days later Keith left for Las Vegas to finish school. The kids and I were home for a week and a half by ourselves and then we flew out to Vegas for Keith's graduation. We were there for about a week and we drove home with Keith. We arrived home late Sunday night and then Monday afternoon we put Keith on a plane to Dallas for a review for the National boards he still has to take. He got home Friday night and the following Thursday we began the Larson Family Reunion in El Paso. Which I think turned out to be a great sucess!!! Also, in the midst of all this I had a doctors appointment and ultrasound with confirmed my suspisions that we are having a boy and we also found out that I have placenta previa which now puts me on restricted activity. So I have been home for a little over a week now trying to get things done, but still take it easy, and I figured I'd better start my blogging again before I get to far behind. I have several pictures to add, but I will do that in their own posts.

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